That BLUE WALL is more than bullet proof. It's dynamite proof. We must keep chipping away at it until true reform is achieved. We need GOOD police officers so long as criminals continue to exist. What we don't need is a bunch of licensed to kill, egomaniac bigots on our streets.— Roy L. Pickering Jr. (@AuthorofPatches) May 27, 2020
Sick and tired of being sick and tired.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
That video was sickening. Cold blooded murder. I don't know the back story. It doesn't matter. What I watched was a murder. #AltonSterling— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
#AltonSterling is the 558th person murdered extrajudicially by cops in 2016 alone. That's staggering.— one hundred emoji (@maharajaz) July 6, 2016
#AltonSterling and his family.— Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) July 6, 2016
Protests erupt in Baton Rouge after graphic video of police shooting surfaces #AltonSterling— Mashable (@mashable) July 6, 2016
The frightening thing about #AltonSterling is once he is attached to #BlackLivesMatter, people now tune out.— Andreas Hale (@AndreasHale) July 6, 2016
Negroes— hey Big Head (@moeshamitchel) July 6, 2016
Sweet and docile,
Meek, humble, and kind:
Beware the day
They change their mind
-Langston Hughes
Whatever it takes to become a cop is clearly not nearly enough. Too many bad apples given a license to kill on a whim.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
Watch "Policing the Police" anytime online: #PoliceReform— FRONTLINE (@frontlinepbs) June 29, 2016
Congressman @CedricRichmond (D), who represents Baton Rouge, calls for DOJ to investigate #AltonSterling shooting— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) July 6, 2016
If LA is an open carry state why were the police called on #AltonSterling— AllMyLifeIGotToFight (@DntBeGoodBeDave) July 6, 2016
Open Carry laws simply allow cops to be blatantly selective in who they'll ignore & who will inspire them to go Rambo. Bigotry tool like SYG— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
I don't whine about racists. They're whine proof. But bigots packing guns with legal protection to murder, that I have a problem with.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
Until we get serious about police dept. reform & enhancing gun regulations, one tragic hashtagged name will just blend into the next/rest— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
When will violence stop leading to fear of violence which leads right back to violence? New day, new sad hashtag.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
The DOJ will investigate #AltonSterling shooting ➡️ by @juliacraven— HuffPost Politics (@HuffPostPol) July 6, 2016
DOJ investigation is best to hope for. Doesn't guarantee charges or lack thereof. But if shooting was caught on tape & looks unjustified...— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
...then I'm not so conspiracy minded 2 assume cold blooded murder will be ignored. If it looks remotely like self defense or is inconclusive— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
...then cops are likely to be uncharged, or if charged, will be acquitted. Badge/uniform gives cops benefit of doubt even if unwarranted.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
I have far less than 100% confidence that cops reviewing cops will result in impartial review. But I'll accept whatever the DOJ findings are— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
That includes Mike Brown, who it seemed to me was shot down in cold blood by a cop. But we later learned eyewitness testimony was flaky.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
So I won't throw Mike Brown into miscarriage of justice bucket. Maybe it was, but I can't say that's the case for certain.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police via @thedailybeast— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
Cold blooded murder. Not a damn thing happened that justified killing #AltonSterling— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
Jesus.... This pain 😢#altonsterling— Niecy Nash (@NiecyNash) July 7, 2016
Do ISIS attacks help Trump? Do blacks killed by cops help Hillary? Do think piecers leach on2 both? So much death & profit & nothing changes— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
"The death of Alton Sterling is a tragedy, and my prayers are with his family." —Hillary— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 7, 2016
Issa Rae starts scholarship fund for #AltonSterling's children ➡️ by @juliacraven via @HuffPostPol— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
Recap of a senseless tragedy for those not yet in the know: Alton Sterling shooting via @CNN— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016 R.I.P. Alton Sterling. May justice be served in your name....— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
WTF??!!!!! Another one?! Police shoot, kill man during traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minn. via @USATODAY— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
#PhilandroCastile as well.— Kwame Rose (@kwamerose) July 7, 2016
#PhilandoCastile mother of her son: "He did everything by the law, and he died by the law."— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) July 7, 2016
There should either be no Open Carry states or else no police response 2 report of someone with a gun that isn't being fired. I like 1st one— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
But my thinking makes sense whereas nothing about gun loving 2nd Amendment crusading makes much sense at all.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
The fact that it was 2nd nature for #PhilandoCastile's gf to keep recording as he die beside her & w/ her daughter in the car is crushing— Ol' QWERTY Bastard (@TheDiLLon1) July 7, 2016
Soul crushing week. What sort of independence is this? #AltonSterling #PhilandroCastile #NeverReachForAnything #BeTheStatue— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
Enough is enough. Cops who see blackness as a weapon must be weeded out, and fully prosecuted when we find out too late. Train them right!!!— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
How us black folks gotta start dressing....— C.M ❕ (@CdaMACKnificent) July 7, 2016
Do ISIS attacks help Trump? Do blacks killed by cops help Hillary? Do think piecers leach on2 both? So much death & profit & nothing changes— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
America woke up to yet another tragedy of a life cut down too soon. Black Lives Matter. #PhilandoCastile -H— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 7, 2016
White people live in bubbles, and if it doesnt affect the bubble it doesnt cross their mind. That is how systematic racism destroys the US— keats (@_keator) July 7, 2016
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu— Rosario Dawson (@rosariodawson) July 6, 2016
— David J. Leonard (@drdavidjleonard) July 7, 2016
— Feminista Jones (@FeministaJones) July 7, 2016
Amazes me when cops don't pause to consider bodycam, dashcam & witnesses possibly filming them with cell phones— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 7, 2016
I thank the brave one who filmed the police during Mr. Sterling's murder. Film is one of our weapons. #FilmThePolice— Ava DuVernay (@AVAETC) July 6, 2016
In light of what happened with #AltonSterling check out @NateParker's short film #AmeriCAN about police brutality.— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) July 6, 2016
Diamond Reynolds, girlfriend of #PhilandoCastile, recounts how cops reacted after shooting— (@Salon) July 8, 2016
#PhilandoCastile "memorized the names of the 500 children he served every day — along with their food allergies."— Gabe Ortíz (@TUSK81) July 7, 2016
4 questions raised by the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile:— New York Magazine (@NYMag) July 9, 2016
BREAKING: Police: 1 officer killed, 3 injured when gunfire erupts during protest in downtown Dallas.— The Associated Press (@AP) July 8, 2016
Stop blaming BLMA on what happened in #Dallas we don't want more murders, we want it to stop. Whoever was shooting is not for the cause.— black cindy (@sykojuicee) July 8, 2016
The shooter was shooting at the crowd too. Someone wanted a massacre in Dallas.— Jeff Gauvin (@JeffersonObama) July 8, 2016
Dallas shooting happened just a few blocks from most famous active shooter situation pretty much in history— Rick Klein (@rickklein) July 8, 2016
Video from a protestor as the shooting began. Jesus. Disturbing content. #Dallas #DallasPoliceShooting— Andy Cole (@AndyCole84) July 8, 2016
Timeline: How the Dallas shooting developed— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 8, 2016
Dallas protest shooting: mayor says fourth suspect confirmed dead – live updates— The Guardian (@guardian) July 8, 2016
Dallas police are still not certain that they have identified everyone involved in the shooting attack.— The Associated Press (@AP) July 8, 2016
Dallas shooting: suspect stated he wanted to 'kill white officers'— The Guardian (@guardian) July 8, 2016
#Dallas:— ABC News (@ABC) July 8, 2016
-1 suspect dead; 3 in custody
-11 officers shot; 5 killed
-Deadliest attack on law enforcement since 9/11
It is disgusting how the media is asking the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile to comment on this.— Rebecca Theodore (@FilmFatale_NYC) July 8, 2016
Some feel sympathy just for victims of cop brutality, some just 4 cops, decent souls are capable of feeling for both— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 8, 2016
"This is an American issue that we should ALL care about." - Barack Obama...— The Chocolate Voice (@gwenpierce) July 8, 2016
Cursing every person who is white for being privileged won't bring anyone back from the dead or anyone to justice.— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 6, 2016
Racism is often root cause or underlying factor but overall racism can't be cured. Police reform can happen tho. Gun control can be stricter— Roy Pickering (@AuthorofPatches) July 8, 2016
ENOUGHTrevor responds to the recent spate of police killings.— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) July 8, 2016
“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
On the corner of Grand and Lafayette, an artist has compiled an astounding and heartbreaking list of the Black and Brown victims of police brutality. #toomanynames
— The Lower Eastside Girls Club (@girlsclubny) September 3, 2020
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